Thursday, July 23, 2009

2nd Colonoscopy Scheduled.

So I will be going under again.....I actually don't mind the going under part....its the getting ready for the going under I don't like.
UGH the prep work for the colonoscopy is brutal! I hate every minute of it. The whole day before is just plain "shitty." No pun intended either.

OK, now that I have said my first naughty word on my blog we can all relax. After all I did post a disclaimer right? Right.

So next Wednesday I will be meeting Dr. E down at the medical center for my colonoscopy.
He has already told me that he plans on taking out the polyp that was left in my transcending colon for further inspection. His plan is to take like a million (OK so not a million but you get the picture) biopsies of my colon. He also is going to go down inside the colon and not just biopsy the top layer.
I looked a little frightened when he said that apparently so he calmly said to me with a very thick accent. "don't worry, I will be sedating you much heavier than normal." Well alrighty than, nice deep nap for this mommy. Sign me up!

So there you have it folks. Next Wednesday I might have a better picture of where my future lies. Dr. E told me he might be able to wake me and say "no surgery" or give me bad news.

Let's pray, Let's pray really hard that the news when I awake on Wednesday afternoon is "no surgery."

My colon in dysplasia and cancer free,



  1. YOUR COLON IS DYSPLASIA AND CANCER FREEEEEEE! You're in my prayers, friend.

  2. Praying for you. You are in my thoughts.


  3. You have my prayers, dear friend!!!

  4. You're in my thoughts! Ahh, the bowel prep is the worst part. The one before my surgery I opted for pineapple flavor and it wasn't nearly as bad as my previous experiences. If it's the same one, that's my suggestion. I also had to drink Gatorade after almost every awful drink of that stuff. Good luck! Your colon is dysplasia and cancer free!

  5. Ouch, I know all about colonoscopy prep etc, had it once and that was all I needed. GoLytely is defnitely not for faint-hearted, but like you, I did it. One of my friends said think of it as a "free colon-cleansing procedure". Ok. It did not make it easier though, but sense of humor is a must in these things that requite "guts".
    My Dr G did the colonoscopy, that was was indeed the easy part, under sedation. My results came back clear, clear as a colon can be, diarrhea continues.. but I will spare you from the rest of the details :-)
