Thursday, July 2, 2009

Off to meet Dr. H tomorrow

Well I am off to interview surgeon #3. Dr. H is down in the medical center and I have hopes that I will have a clear decision after tomorrow on which doctor to choose. I still have a visit to MD Anderson but my mind is feeling like that might not be the place for me. For one I don't have cancer. Just precancerous cells. Two, I don't think they will tell me anything that I don't already know. I am pretty sure because I have already asked the other surgeons and so far the answer is that no surgeon will just cut out the segment of colon that has the tumor.. Three, I feel as if they will tell me that they cant help me even though I had the appointment because they deal with cancer patient.

Dr. H however did complete his general surgery internship at MD Anderson so that does make me feel like he might give me an insight tomorrow on whether or not I should take that last interview there. I am also worried about all these interviews and just how my insurance is going to handle the doctor's fees.

So this week I have been feeling well but nervous and anxious at times.
I so appreciate all the comments; rays of hope/prayers that are being left.

There will be a post tomorrow on the meeting of Dr. H tomorrow so stay tuned and good night.

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