Wednesday, December 9, 2009


I am having pain at or rather around the stoma site. It is not get to the hospital right now kind of pain. It is just constant and nagging. It is something I am praying goes away before 9 weeks because I cant tolerate it. The nurse said it is just a bit of skin irritation even though my skin is not breaking down or even close to that. She said that since we have changed the seal twice in two days my skin is just a bit raw. It will get better. It just didn't hurt this way before day one change.

So tonight I am asking God to bless me with a good night's sleep in comfortable positions and for this pain in my side (literally) to GO AWAY!!!!

Good night!


  1. MR: Once your nurse gets you squared away, these issues will go away. Think of them as "growing pains". I had some initial bleeding as well as the skin/stoma healing was happening. It's that type of nagging burning you wish you could get away from, but no matter how you move, it's there with you. Soon, you'll work the bag yourself and enjoy showers with and without it!
    For sleeping, I had to sleep on my back with a wedge at first, as I couldn't sleep on either side due to internal pain, and laying flat was too much for the lapo sites.
    Sleep tight! (Hope Lance is running night duty!)

  2. Hi,

    I had pain around the stoma site as well, not intense, just "nagging." It got better as time went on. It took us (the nurse and me) a few weeks to come up with the right bag to use, with the correct opening size. It helped to get that right.

    I was surprised one day to have some foamy ooze coming from an area right below the stoma, but still in the immediate area. This is normal, and was just some fluid coming out of the portion of the intestine that goes down to the J-pouch. So don't be concerned if this happens. The bottom line was that I needed a bag opening large enough to cover that area as well.

    You'll be fine. It seems we had very similar cancers, mine was < 1 cm, in the rectum, and had not spread anywhere, so I don't need any radiation or chemo. I think it will be the same for you!!

    Best wishes, and praying for you,

    Tom Dickens
